Hold cleaners accountable with an invisible supervisor

Make sure your staff is following the scope of work from an impartial source, free of human error. Site managers and supervisors can easily see completed tasks, remaining tasks, and how productive employees are.
So they can proactively fix issues instead of reacting
to complaints.

Proactively prove to your clients the quality of your services 

Don’t force your clients to reach out whenever there’s an issue. With Mero, you can share detailed audit trails in seconds. Stand out from the competition by showing your clients that their sites are clean and that you’re getting ahead of issues, every day.

Simplify your cleaners’ lives by eliminating extra work and phones

Save labor hours and dollars by eliminating extra work: no check-ins, scanning, tapping, or mobile phones are required. You can trust that the data you get is unfalsifiable because it doesn’t rely on your employee remembering to do extra steps. 

Powerful analytics
on cleaning performance data

Make improvements to your operation or power your next cleaning tender, bid, or renewal with Mero’s cleaning data that is gathered automatically. Productivity rates, time spent on task, and response times are all gathered without any manual input from cleaning staff.

Defend slip and fall claims

Automatically log visits and timestamps without any manual entry for slip and fall claim defense. Mero ensures the highest quality of data free of human error with its Beacon technology.

Know exactly what happened on-site in an instant

No matter the site size, check the status of cleaning staff arrivals and cleaning visits so you can always ensure a high-quality client experience.

See what our customers are saying about us

“We had a trouble site where cleaners were not following their routine… Mero’s technology allowed us to highlight exact areas where cleaners were not supposed to be and changed the dynamic of the property.”

Andrew Hood
VP, Innovation Building Maintenance

We can see exactly what our people onsite are doing. We can find ways to improve our processes and become more efficient. By giving more visibility to our clients, we keep ourselves and everyone accountable. Mero raises the standard in the industry.”

George Boutsalis
Vice President at Impact Cleaning Services

Verification of the cleaning is invaluable to our customers. We can show with a report that our cleaners have been in a space. It provides assurances to our customers that the area was actually serviced.”

Christopher King
Senior Vice President at Hallmark Housekeeping Inc.


All hardware costs are included

For Building Size
10-100k SF
For Building Size
100-250k SF
Custom Price
For Building Size
Over 500k SF
Book a demo


Up to 5 wireless, energy-efficient beacons (15$/mo per beacon per additional)

100% automated work logging for accurate service delivery validation

Unlimted base stations

Supervisor mobile app

How it Works


Install base stations in key locations of your buildings. They create geofences that range from 3x3 to 100x100 feet based on your needs.
Your cleaners carry Bluetooth beacons that ping the stations when nearby. This automatically confirms the presence of an employee at specific times and durations ensuring task validation without manual input.

Upload your scope of work, shifts, and cleaners

Upload your scope of work for any site. This lets your supervisors track, manage, and validate tasks for any building, floor, or shift.

Track cleaning tasks and employee performance

Supervisors and operation managers can see completed tasks, remaining tasks, and incomplete tasks. They can drill down into specific dates, buildings, floors, or employees.

Prove the quality of your service

Send reports in seconds to all stakeholders to prove that the work is completed according to the scope of work.

Works with 300+ popular apps

Integrate into your existing workflow, from payroll, to CRM’s, to cleaning softwares
learn more

Got a first site in mind to test Mero? Let’s start a proof of concept. 

Schedule a 30-minute chat and we’ll show you how Mero can work for your sites, provide you with pricing, and answer any questions you might have.

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Frequently asked question

How do you determine a task is done?
How does Mero compare to GPS?
What’s the size and battery life of the beacons?
Can Mero replace my time-tracking app?
Is it anonymous and does it work in unionized environments?